Heinrich Heine
Topic of the seminar contains twin horror that haunts world today, religion and communalism. It will be difficult to find some one to call oneself a communal person; no doubt it is a bad word no one will like to be labelled communalist. But you will hardly find a religious person who is not proud to be religious. So I won’t be sparing much of my time with Communalism, but I should remind you that it comes in many flavours, most common is religious communalism but ethnic and linguistic communalism not rare. Its main symptom is ‘us verses them’. A communalist person assumes we are good and they are bad. Even a person who is knowingly have a communal mind set will refuse to acknowledge it, he will either refuse it or justify his thoughts and actions as reactions of what ‘they’ thinks of him or did to his community.
Religion is another beast altogether. An average person is proudly religious. He doesn’t think he needs to justify his religious beliefs, because it is matter of faith. He believes that any action, no matter how ridicules or criminal it is, is his natural right, if it is sanctioned or demanded by his religion. A religious man demands your respect for his “uncivilised” and inhuman behaviour. Every religion wants you to surrender your constitutional duty to have a scientific temper and democratic right to doubt and question every thing. At the time when ‘age of reason’ was being born, religion began with “how dare you” and “burn him”, then it changed to “you are wrong you fool” and “don’t talk to him”, for some time tune changed to “we new it all along” and you should have consulted with us” but know it turning full circle and dissenters and doubters and branded heretic and apostate, fanatic mob is again asking for “carnival of blood and fire”.
I don’t mean to demonise every religious person as a gory bigot; I know any one can show me examples of people like Kabir, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, where religion was the inspiration for them, to take side of humanity against oppressor. But I think these individuals were exceptions not rule. Even a avowed atheist thinker like Marx justified religion as opiate that oppressed need to dull their pain. My opinion is that religion is not even a ‘placebo’ (fake medicine), it is the cause of pain and responsible for much of human suffering. Religion was and is a tool to keep oppressed dumb and sedated; it was the partner and perpetrator in most massacres and wars through out the human history. Gold and Gods are both are drenched in the blood. In this post modern century, uttering such blasphemy in public is asking for trouble. But that is my point, why, what a person can say freely in sixth century BC, in 12th or 17th century AD and get away with it, is not possible today, in 21st.
I don’t think this the place and time for me to go in details of history of confrontations between philosophy and science but I want to have some land marks to be noted.
European re-discovery of the Greek philosophies and sciences, which was preserved and also further, developed to some extent by medieval Arabs scholars, was beginning of the end of ‘dark age’. Import of new mathematical tools of place value, notation system, algebra, geometry, principle and practice of observation astronomy, chemistry, optics and theory of vision were tools for new scientific approach to investigation of nature. Copernicus was a neo-platonic idealist but his heliocentric computational model of universe forced him to be a ‘reluctant revolutionary’. Francis Bacon’s inductive logic paid way for empirical study of nature. Galileo was probably first scientist to use experimental method to establish truth rather then argument from authority. Intellectually religion is on retreat since the birth of natural sciences. Descartes gave lease of life to religion by separating two domains, domain of material world and domain of spiritual. Cartesian dualism, on one hand kept most philosophers busy with higher things but freed scientist to explore world of lowly matter and discover secular laws governing it. Newtonian universe was automaton a self governing machine without a ghost inside; he went even a step ahead of Galileo by firmly establishing ordinariness of the heaven. Though he believed in original cause or ‘prime mover’ to push the ‘power button’ of the cosmos, but since then, he thought god has retired.
Many humanist thinkers were inspired by scientific world view, but their secular utopia were too anaemic to survive. In the pre First World War age only nation to be found on secular principle was
If Radical absolutism was fashionable till seventies, since nineties, it is Post modern cultural relativism that is in vogue now. I don’t have space to go in detail biopsy, but I can say its attempt to undermine modern science is ridicules and no scientific philosopher of science takes it seriously. It is a façade, behind that hide a face of apologist of religion. Many anti scientist philosophers have using it as last resort to resist, science’s mission to demystify and nature.
Religion is a phenomenon too complex to be exclusive monopoly of any one discipline, like philosophy, social sciences or neurobiology alone. At one level it is a social institution, probably first evolved during time of Neanderthals, but on other it is personal view of the cause and purpose of the universe based on beliefs rather than by scientific understanding. Many a time progressive religious thinkers make a naïve appeal to ask to keep religion personal affair at time of communal crisis, they forget religion was never a personal thing it is a socio-political institution and with a very deep relation with money bags. In modern time religion sprouts another root need of an individual to an ‘identity crutch’ in face of a new depth of alienation, brought to us by curtsey Globalisation. I remember very disturbing example, recently in choosing the ‘Voice of India’ a popular national entertainment channel finally it boiled down to a SMS war between Sikhs and Hindus audience was asked to give a war cry of “ Har Har Mahadev”( a Hindu war cry) and “Sat Shree Akal”( a Sikh slogan).
Though I don’t have hard data to support but I think religion is practiced by not less then 80% people in the world, irrespective of their nationality or ideology. More nations have been founded on various religious doctrines rather than on secular principle. Hold of religion over a individual in its daily life is no doubt on decline but attraction of religion as badge of identity is growing increasingly globalised world. This is true of not only for ‘uncivilised’ middle and west
It is beyond doubt that religion played an important role in evolution of the human society though its role was a positive or negative can be debatable. Both apologist and fundamentalists of every religious doctrine asks us to believe:
- Without religion society will disintegrate
- There won’t be any moral guide to tell us what is wrong and what is right
- Ancient book or books have every thing that is or will be discovered by science
- We will burn in the hell forever for doubting in existence of creator
- Religion provide us with token of identity without it ‘others’ will exterminate you and ‘your kind’
Without religion society will disintegrate:
It could be argued that historical religion would have played a role in developing social bonding in Homo sapiens but there are many examples in animal kingdom from ants to apes that the same role hade been played by genes-hormones and by natural selection-group selection much before ‘intelligent and enlightened brain’ evolved. Apart from this social cohesion under a religious order is coercion in disguise. ‘Social cohesion’ hide behind it repression of minority, slavery of women and rampant chid abuse, physical as well as in form of religious indoctrination.
There won’t be any moral guide to tell us what is wrong and what is right:
This very dubious hypothesis, overlapping of moral guideline among various religions makes this unlikely cause. Secondly moral values are not static we will be horrified by many moral stands taken by founder and god-gods of most religions if someone repeats them today. Moral values appear to have much more deeper historical roots even many apes and monkey display surprisingly ‘humane’ moral behaviour in recent studies. So there are strong evidence that morality evolved much before religion in Humans or might have inherited its seeds from ‘beastly’ ancestors. I can’t quote but I am aware of some survey indicating that the more religious a society is more ‘amoral’ and inhumane it is.
Ancient book or books have every thing that is or will be discovered by science:
Every religion claims to be perfect. It flaunts a book or books to have every thing that is ever discovered or will be discovered by sciences. This apparently harmless past time not only suppresses sprit of enquiry it distorts minds and creates a backward facing young generation. Tools of creativity, doubt and critical thinking is misused and abused to attack scientific and religion itself asks from others to above such scrutiny in the name of faith. Some critiques of science have guts to say it is science that is faith based. Most irritating is patronising comment I came across is “That is your science and this is (religious doctrine, astrology etc.) our science. Isn’t it a nice gift from post modernist to religious obscurantism?
We will burn in the hell forever for doubting in existence of creator:
This is what religious sadism at best. I don’t know how many generations, how many lives are wasted away, how many soles living under terror of everlasting hell fire. It ask you to spy your self. Martin Luther kin called doubt and reason devil harlot. Islam and Christianity compete with each other in making of the best hell they could think of. Hinduism found a better way by keeping majority of its population illiterate and ignorant. If some person of lowly birth tries to gain knowledge behead him or her. If king is unable to punish a heretic or atheist a Brahmin should not talk to him. Only in Buddhist philosophy doubt is a virtue but as religious institution it not much different from other religion.
Religion provides us with token of identity, without it ‘others’ will exterminate you and ‘your kind’:
Yes religion is a token of identity that you can flaunt. A scull cap, beard, cross a vermillion mark on fore head, helps you to distinguish friend form fiend! But with this you loose your identity as a human being. ‘Other’ face is vermin to be quashed at slightest excuse or it will do the same to ‘you’ if it gets a chance. Fear is the key of survival, live under fear and inculcate fear in ‘them’. “You teach them a lesion, reaction is your birth right act now” Even a majority and ruling cast have been humiliated and oppressed according to popular pseudo history. “Look at them how united and militant they are, learn and be like them or you will be no more”.
Few suggestions
- Science is now poised to encroach upon domains of humanities so I feel there is a need of serious dialogue between these two cultures.
- As many hints are emerging from disciplines of neuro-biology and ethological studies of mammals and specifically primate and apes, personal religiosity may result of faulty hardware and buggy software that we have got. We might need to be cured if a medicine could be discovered!
- Pseudo secularism of ‘sarva dharma sambhaava’, should be replaced with ‘sarva dharma door bhaava’.
- Education strongly needs to be secularised. Public and government schools should have no place for promotion of any and all the religion. Prayer and religious functions should have no place in above mentioned schools.
- Every child should have the right and access to compulsory secular education.
- Religious schools should be not allowed to teach a minor.
- Religious indoctrination of a minor in family should be discouraged.
- Politically interference of religious institution in social life has to be curbed and religious political parties are to be banned in a secular and democratic nation. Fundamentalist and religious nation states are to be treated like apartheid-fascist countries.
It shames me that in free and secular India religion is free to misguide us, blind us, free to fill us with fear, free fill us with hatred and it is even free to destroy lives, rape and kill, but ‘reason’ has to think twice before opening its mouth; be carefull ‘some one’s sentiment might get hurt.
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